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Mit den Weihnachtsgrüßen punkten – Tipps, um individuell Danke zu sagen

Mit den Weihnachtsgrüßen punkten – Tipps, um individuell Danke zu sagen

A sincere thank you brings joy to both sides. But it's not so easy for you to wrap it up in a special way? Here are our tips on how you can personalize your thank-you greeting. For your best friend, your parents, your colleagues or for the nice neighbors next door.

Variant 1 – Write story with shared moments.

Maybe this year you can't look back on the legendary birthday party you envisioned a year ago. Maybe your wedding reception turned out smaller than you'd dreamed for years. And the trip to the Italian Riviera ended up being a camping vacation in Meck-Pomm. And yet, alongside the unusual encounters, there are unexpected and beautiful moments. Look back on shared memories

Everything was different this year – maybe you didn’t have the legendary birthday party you were imagining, maybe your wedding was smaller than you had always dreamed of, or maybe a holiday at the Italian Riviera turned into a “staycation”. Whatever it was, it surely had many unexpected and beautiful moments!

Want to make them a part of the chronicles of your family or friendship? Include them in your Christmas card! Maybe your parents supported you this year in particular, or maybe you got to know a new side of an old friend. Write it down and say Thank You! Shared experiences will connect you and carry you into the coming year.

The same is true for colleagues and partners:

The challenges of the past year also led to new solutions and opportunities for support at work for many of us. Maybe your team has found a new cohesion, maybe you broadened your horizon and developed new collaborations, or maybe you and your team came up with new products and services. In your Thank You card, you can share your appreciation of what has been achieved; on the other hand, naming challenges and how they were overcome, can be equally beautiful and authentic.

Variant 2 – Look ahead with gratitude

We are convinced that gratitude should not be limited to just Christmas. Your Christmas card is only the beginning! Instead of an end-of-the-year review, you could do a personal outlook for the next year. Have you already planned a trip or a picnic with friends in the spring? Would you like to set shared goals with your family for the coming year? Or are you setting good intentions for your career? Whatever it is – looking ahead creates joyful anticipation, and sharing with others in this way shows your commitment.

Variant 3 – Discover your inner poet

Although well-known quotes and meaningful aphorisms are classics for a Thank You card, we actually recommend staying away from them! It might look like a quick solution, but the search for the right quote can turn out to be very time consuming, or result in platitudes that don’t really express what you are trying to say to your friends or parents. Our tip: Take 10 minutes instead to get creative yourself!

“Elevenses” are a particularly easy way to do that. They are named after the number of words in them and are not to be confused with the famous Christmas elves!

First of all, have a think about what you would like your poem to be about: Gratitude, the end of the year, Christmas, a shared memory, or a compliment you want to give to your friend, parent or sibling? Once you are clear about that, then just start and let your writing flow freely.

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This is what it could look like:
dear and
strange this year.
You were always here.

Your own “elevenses” will surely make for original cards! The topic can be personal, and you might even discover a new creative side of yourself that your family and friends will celebrate!

Want to get started straight away? We’ve got you covered with our cards! In our Online Shop, you will not only find very special greeting cards designed by our international illustrators, but also some food for your soul.