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Versandzeiten & Liefermöglichkeiten

Alle Non-Food Produkte kannst Du das ganze Jahr über bei uns bestellen. Lebkuchenprodukte versenden wir ab Mitte Oktober. Wann es frische Lebkuchen gibt, erfährst Du immer auf unserer Website und wenn Du dich für unseren Newsletter anmeldest.

Unsere Versandkosten sind gewichtsabhängig. Für Bestellungen innerhalb Deutschlands berechnen wir bis zu einem Warenkorbwert von 29,00€ – 7,90€ inkl. MwSt. Versandkosten. Beträgt dein Warenkorbwert mehr als 29,00€ berechnen wir 4,90 € inkl. MwSt. Für das innereuropäische Ausland sind unsere Versandkonditionen ebenfalls gewichtsabhängig. Die genauen Versandkosten je Land haben wir Dir im Bestellprozess des Shops transparent dargestellt.

Wir haben ein tolles Handwerksprodukt und kleine Strukturen ohne großes Logistikzentrum. Leider können wir aufgrund stetig steigender Material- und Versandkosten keinen kostenfreien Versand anbieten, bemühen uns aber diese so gering wie möglich zu halten.

Soweit keine andere Frist angegeben ist, erfolgt die Lieferung der Ware im Inland (Deutschland) innerhalb von 4-5 Tagen nach Vertragsschluss (bei Bezahlung per Rechnung nach dem erfassten Zahlungseingang). Bitte denke daran: an Sonn- und Feiertagen erfolgt keine Zustellung. Lieferzeiten ins innereuropäische Ausland können stark abweichen. Bestell daher außerhalb Deutschlands lieber etwas früher.

Aktuell bieten wir leider keinen Expressversand an.

Wenn deine Bestellung noch nicht versendet wurde, schreib uns einfach eine Email an und wir sehen was wir tun können.

High five für deine Frage! Bei unseren Partnern – Concept Stores, Cafés und Feinkostläden – kannst Du unsere Produkte auch vor Ort erwerben. Geschäfte in deiner Nähe findest Du in unserem Storefinder.

Versandprobleme & Retour

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Das tut uns leid! Bitte schreibe uns an Wenn der Fehler auf unserer Seite liegt, werden wir selbstverständlich für Ersatz sorgen. Wir werden Dir ein Rücksendeetikett für das fehlerhafte Produkt zusenden.

Das tut uns leid! Bitte schreibe uns an Wenn der Fehler auf unserer Seite liegt, werden wir selbstverständlich für Ersatz sorgen. Wir werden dir ein Rücksendeetikett für das fehlerhafte Produkt zusenden und dir umgehend die richtige Sorte zukommen lassen.


Every week, starting in October our original Elisenlebkuchen are produced by our family bakery in Burgebrach, 45 minutes away from Nuremberg. We only use the best ingredients and enjoy the craftsmanship – and you can taste it. The Lebkuchen are packaged as sustainably as currently possible in organic film made from renewable raw materials.

Each baker has their own, top secret recipe and spice mix… But original “Elisen-Lebkuchen” must contain at least 25% almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts, they cannot contain any other oil seeds and no more than 10% flour or 7.5% starch by definition. In our shop you will only find original Elisenlebkuchen.

Elisen-Lebkuchen (also called “Lebkuchen Natur” or “Pur”), are the base for all of the following variants. We offer Elisen-Lebkuchen with icing and Lebkuchen with dark chocolate glazing. Our assorted or "mixed" tins ("Gemischt") are the most popular, as they have something to offer for every taste!

Every tin contains 5 Lebkuchen – that's 390 grams of original Elisenlebkuchen. Feel free to check out other offers and compare!

In our organic bakery in Burgebrach, near Nuremberg.

Our Lebkuchen will be soft and juicy for at least 4 months from the time of production, which is the “best before” date printed on the tin/foil. However, we have tasted the Lebkuchen, kept unopened in the foil, and found they were still soft and delicious long after this date! You'll also find some tips on how to get hard Lebkuchen soft again in our Journal.

Hazelnuts, beet sugar, water, raw cane sugar marzipan*: (almonds, raw cane sugar, invert sugar*, water), spelt flour 630, whole cane sugar, ** almonds***, soy flourcashew nut, candied orange peel*: (glucose sirup*, orange peel*), candied Lemon peel*: (glucose sirup*, lemon peel*, sea salt), tartar baking soda*: (maize starch*, Pure tartar*, sodium hydrogen carbonate), lebkuchen spice*: (cinnamon*, Kardamom*, ginger*, nutmeg*, pimento*, carnations*, macis*), cinnamon*, sea salt), ammonium, spelt whole grain baking wafers* (whole spelt flourspelt starch). If covered with fondant*: (raw cane sugar*, glucose sirup*, water). If covered with dark chocolate coating* (cocoa mass*, raw cane sugar*, cocoa butter*).

*from certified organic farming

Our bakers source the majority of their ingredients from BÄKO, a cooperative that sources ingredients from raw material producers in the interests of many bakers and confectioners. They buy regionally whenever possible, but also internationally, as some of the exotic spices needed for Lebkuchen unfortunately do not grow in Germany. At Pfeffer & Frost, we are also striving to develop direct and more regional supply relationships, for example with a Franconian grain farmer, in order to communicate the origin of our ingredients more transparent.

No, none of our products contain any palm oil.

No, our Lebkuchen don’t contain any trans fats.


All the foils used for wrapping our Pfeffer & Frost products is 100% certified biodegradable.

We’re currently using two different types of foil: The older version is not suitable for home composting, as it will only decompose at higher temperatures. The newer version of Pfeffer & Frost foil can be composted at home. Check the label on your Lebkuchen to find out which is the case.

Otherwise, the foil needs to go in the general househould waste, as the food waste system in Germany is not yet set up to process modern bioplastics.

You could reuse the tin as a gift box. Other creative uses we’ve heard of: storage for spices, teabags, sweets and other small items – or even a hiding place for condoms! ;D Some upcycling ideas we have already collected for you.

If you really don't need it any more or if it got damaged over time just put it in the paper bin.

Our team is looking for potential new illustrators all year round and decide together, who might be suitable for our next limited edition tin. We compile a shortlist of our favourites found on Instagram and Pinterest, but also in agent newsletters.

We are mostly looking for illustrators with experience in drawing figures and developing characters. If they also have some experience in Package Design, this is a bonus, but not a necessity, as the design of our tin isn’t all that complicated. We look at the illustrator’s portfolio very closely and try to find one or two themes from their universe, which also fit the positive, colourful world of Pfeffer & Frost.

Our mission is to offer Lebkuchen in modern and sustainable packaging, which is why we use a compostable foil made from renewable materials and an illustrated, recyclable cardboard tin. This generates significantly fewer CO2 emissions during production than a tin can. While plenty of traditional ones are already available – we like it fresh and chic!

Gifts for business customers

For sure! Our Sales Team is full of ideas. Wanna send a branded Lebkuchen gift including a matching greeting card? Simply send an email to:

Shops & Retail

Besides our Online Shop, our products are also available in a number of cafés, delicatessen and concept stores. Check out our Storefinder!

From time to time we run a booth at a few Christmas and design markets around Nuremberg and the rest of Germany. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter for updates.

High five for your question! Unfortunately, no packaging-free store has chosen us yet, but we would be happy to stock them with unpackaged Elisen.

That’s great, our Sales Team is always looking for new partner stores. Please send us an email to: Johannes

Jobs & Careers

Can’t get Lebkuchen out of your head? Do you have skills we might be missing? Great, we’re looking forward to receiving your creative application! You choose the format and medium.


Sure! Sign up for our newsletter to receive interesting tips around sustainability, gift ideas and information on promotions and special offers.

Sure: +49 911 14 88 57 26
Our office hours are: Monday - Friday 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.

In medieval times, when the traditional recipe for our Lebkuchen was created, the colloquial term for any spices was “Pfeffer” (German for pepper), which is why they are also called “Pfefferkuchen” to this day. And “Frost” stands for our favourite season, in which we spend cosy evenings among friends and work on our sustainable gift ideas.

Shush… Stay tuned.

More questions? Let us know!

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