Elisenlebkuchen from October '24


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SMALL SANTA for less than 15,00€

Small but hohoho!

Made in Germany, original and environmentally friendly packaged - even small gifts can make a big impression. Give a lasting joy to your sweetheart, friend or colleague with our environmentally friendly gift ideas for less than 15,00 €.

Bienenwachstuch Medium (transparent img)
Beeswax wrap Medium (sold out)8,00 €
Nudeln machen glücklich (transparent img)
Nudeln machen glücklich (sold out)13,90 €
Berliner Winter - Apfelsaft mit Wodka und winterlichen Gewürzen

50% SALE

Berliner Winter (sold out)4,0010,50 8,0021,00 17,50 20,00/l

Original and delicious gift ideas for under 15 euros

Are you still looking for an original gift idea for the next round of Secret Santa or for a perfect little gift to make someone happy? Then you've come to the right place! Great ideas for Secret Santa gifts for under 15 euros you will find here enough. Surprise your girlfriend, family and friends with tasty snacks or delicious drinks.

Sense instead of sin: Put an end to junk Secret Santa

Secret Santa is probably one of the best-known traditions of our time. In most cases, tasteless and/or useless gifts are given. This may be quite funny and entertaining at first, but afterwards the question "And what do I do with it now? Throwing it away would be too bad, so it is kept, buried somewhere deep in the closet and forgotten. You could save yourself a lot of trouble by packing useful little things instead of scrap and junk.

What makes a good Secret Santa gift?

This is probably quite subjective. But what always goes down well is originality, creativity and ingenuity. Show that you have put some thought into the small gift, then the joy when unwrapping will be especially great! Stand out from 0815 gifts and give instead a sustainable beeswax wrap or a Lebkuchen letter.

Secret Santa gifts with a fixed budget

The important thing with (junk) Secret Santa is to agree on a fixed budget with everyone involved beforehand. This is important for the equivalence of the presents. Choose a budget that fits everyone's budget. And remember: even with a small budget you can give a great pleasure. We also offer you, for example, a wide selection of Secret Santa gifts and presents for under 15 euros.

Gifts for friends

Good friends get a little kiss and especially good friends get a little present. No matter whether it's for the next barbecue, the next game night or simply a cozy dinner party together. Don't come empty-handed, but surprise your loved ones with small gift ideas from Pfeffer & Frost. A hand-lettered [Lebkuchen letter](/product/veganer-bio-lebkuchenbrief at Christmastime with an punch. All I can say is: Cheers - To good friends!
Of course, you can and should also treat yourself regularly, so browse our Collection " Christmas market for home" and find a few goodies for a cozy selfcare time at home.

Homemade gifts from my kitchen Secret Santa

It's been too long since your last evening together with friends? Time to change that! And what connects people more than good food? So give away our pasta cookbook to enjoy homemade ravioli, gnocchi, tagliatelle and much more at the next dinner party with your loved ones. Time instead of stuff is the name of the game here. Another gift life hack: use your empty Lebkuchen tin as gift wrap by simply lining it with greaseproof paper and gifting your homemade pasta inside.

Cheap through the holiday season

Inflation here, crisis there. Everything is getting more expensive. Everyone has to save. No problem, in our Secret Santa gift collection you save on the price, but definitely not on the joy! Make your loved ones happy even with gifts for the small purse.

Below you'll also find a few simple tips on how to save money this holiday season:

Planning is key Plan your purchases and start early to find suitable gifts for your loved ones. Sounds easy in theory, but in practice it usually comes down to a hectic last-minute gift shopping marathon. Not ideal, but not all that bad either. Still, it's important to keep an eye on your finances. For example, use a spending manager app on your phone and set yourself a maximum budget to spend in advance.

**Advent, Advent - a little light is burning. At Christmas time, you see shining lights and fairy lights everywhere or completely flashing colorful house facades. Especially with the current electricity prices, this point holds a huge money-saving potential. Instead, make yourself comfortable with a few candles - that also looks much cozier and more contemplative.

The holiday meal: On it one looks forward always with most, much and plentifully good meal on the Christmas holidays. Maybe this year instead of 7 different side dishes even 3 are enough? Or how about if everyone just brings something: One the good wine from the winemaker of trust, grandma makes her famous dumplings according to a secret recipe and another provides the dessert?

Creativity and used instead of new: Instead of buying new Christmas decorations every year, just go through the basement or attic and see if it is really so necessary? Or make the decorations yourself together with the children: For example, simply collect pine cones during the next walk in the woods, let them dry and later spray them with paint. You can also easily find fir branches in nature.

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All prices include VAT and packaging, but exclude shipping costs and any customs duties (for non-EU countries). Pfeffer & Frost – The gift online shop for traditional and vegan Elisenlebkuchen (sustainably packaged) from the metropolitan region of Nuremberg.